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Welcome to the HOTEX textilrecycling homepage. HOTEX GmbH is a middle-sized company focusing on the manufacturing and distribution of industrial wiping rags as well as processing of used textiles. For over 40 years, our company is part of the German and European market. By now, we find ourselves among the leading corporations in the field of textile refinement. Concerning textile processing or wiping rags HOTEX offers a clean solution.
RECUPERACIÓN DE METALES FÉRRICOS Y NO FÉRRICOS - CODIGO GESTOR RESIDUOS E-824. Miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2009. Miércoles, 11 de febrero de 2009. OFERTA DE COMPRA - - - - - -. Jueves, 29 de enero de 2009.
PRE promotes plastics recycling and create conditions that enable profitable and sustainable business while offering a service platform to its members. Plastics Recyclers Annual Meeting 2017. Plastic Recycling Industry in Europe. Impact Assessment of Increased Plastic Recycling. Facts and figures about the European Plastics Recycling Industry.
Jetzt Gutschein sichern für eine kostenlose Sicherheits-Beratung. Wir erstellen für Sie ein individuelles Sicherheitskonzept, das auf Ihre ganz persönlichen Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten ist. Deutschlands erste Adresse für 24h-Live-Fernüberwachung. Die 24h-Live-Fernüberwachung setzt auf direkte Täteransprache. Unsere Notruf- und Serviceleitstelle überwacht Ihr Gebäude oder Außengelände.
Portal de Información para Empresas Chilenas de Reciclaje. Ferias Internacionales de Medio Ambiente, Reciclaje Y Empaque. Web Portal for Investors in the Chilean Recycling Market. International Fairs on Environment, Recycling and Packaging.
Op donderdag 10 september organiseert de Afvalspiegel een seminar over vernieuwende initiatieven op het gebied van voedselafval en voedselverspilling. Plaats van handeling is het Central District in Rotterdam. Internationale themaveiling Troostwijk tijdens Recycling 2015 en vakbeurs InfraPro Gorinchem.
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Cut out the middle men. Sell directly to the end user. Tracked from A to B. All your waste management and recycling services in one place. Our waste management solutions are designed to be sustainable reducing and even eliminating the waste being sent to landfill.
Recycling Manager - the E-Waste Profitability, Management Control, and Compliance Solution. What MRM Will Do For You. Report on company and customer Mass Balance. Easily demonstrate adherence to stated policies. Automate the generation of compliance reports. Reduce the time to resale.
Provides Current and Historical Pricing Data on Municipal and Industrial Recovered Secondary Materials. The most timely and accurate Online Pricing System for Recovered Materials in North America. Independent Data provided by Qualified Purchasing officials in 8 major regions.